Emily Blaschke
Emily Blaschke is an artist passionate about sustainability and is dedicated to breathing new life into discarded materials. Blaschke sources her materials from local swap shops, dumps, and thrift stores and repurposes them into innovative, layered, and colorful mixed-media art objects. Even representational paintings that lack her usual mixed media elements are created with expired nail polish and leftover house paint.
Blaschke is a natural bricoleur who uses mixed media to indulge her love of texture, color, and collage. Her layered compositions often incorporate American icons, political messages, and other remnants of pop culture. Her heavily layered art pieces freely play in the boundaries between painting and sculpture, striving to spring from two dimensions into three.
Her childhood in California and art training at UC Berkeley informed her colorful and flamboyant sense of style. At the same time, her patterns are reminiscent of the quilts and folk art surrounding her in Maine, where she has lived for ten years. Each artwork swirls influences, materials, texture, and color into one visceral and thought-provoking image while making full use of objects that were previously unwanted.

“Frontier” 10” x 10” Mixed media on panel

Grimalkin the Cat